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We try to answer and explain as best we can


I’m wanting to join an exercise facility/gym, can EXNZ help?
Absolutely. If you’re a first time gym member, we even offer subsidised gym memberships to the community (found here). If you’re new or starting back into exercise, we recommend downloading our ‘What to look for in a health and fitness centre’ brochure here. We also recommend only using facilities that are registered with the NZ Register of Exercise Professionals. For REPs’ directory click here.
I’m considering a career in the fitness industry, what should I do?

Nice job! For those considering a role that involves delivering or demonstrating exercise advice such as group exercise and personal training,- our recommendation is to complete a course recognised by the New Zealand Register of Exercise Professionals (REPS). Once you’ve completed your course, it is highly recommended that you register with REPS (as most employers will require this this).
Here’s some useful links when it comes to starting a career in the exercise industry:

  • For a list of registered courses with REPs, check out this link.
  • Looking for a job? Visit www.fitnz.co.nz – the leading site for exercise and fitness industry jobs in NZ.
  • Together with REPs we have developed a comprehensive guide to working in the industry that can be found here.
I’m a student looking for info to help with an assignment. Can EXNZ help?
Yes, we have some free information available for students, please visit this page. Please note that we are unable to reply to individual requests from students.
What/who is the Exercise Association of New Zealand (ExerciseNZ)?

ExerciseNZ is a non-profit incorporated society. Our members are exercise providers (facilities like gyms, studios and recreation facilities) as well as exercise professionals, and those with an interest in increasing exercise levels in New Zealand.

How is the ExerciseNZ funded?

ExerciseNZ receives the vast majority of its funding directly from its members and activities. Like all non-profit organisations, it shows full annual accounts to its members at each AGM.

Who runs ExerciseNZ?
At the AGM each year, members elect a board to govern the organisation. If you are interested in becoming involved, please feel free to put your name forward (contact the Chair for details).

EXNZ Memberships and Joining Us

Who can join EXNZ?

Anyone who supports our objectives is welcome to join. Most of our members operate some sort of exercise business (commercial or non-profit) in New Zealand, and/or have an interest in increasing the physical activity levels of kiwis through exercise. Together, we are stronger. Join us here.

How do you use the donated memberships, where does the money go?

All the funds we raise, including the sales of donated memberships go towards our operations and activities. We provide full details to our members on how we earn and spend money through our annual report. As a non-profit body, all our funds are used 100% towards the objectives of the organisation, so any surplus is invested back into the organisation for the benefit of all.

Why do I have to donate products?

In brief – this keeps the cash part of your membership to a minimum while still enabling EXNZ to have enough funds to deliver on our mission, and provide support and services to our members Put another way, for most exercise businesses, donating a membership is much easier than paying the equivalent value in cash, and by each member giving a small amount of their product (i.e. memberships), and us selling these at a subsidised rate to the public, this not only ensures we can continue to operate at a high level, but also helps get more kiwis active, all while keeping the cash cost of your membership down.

I’m a personal trainer, can I join / can you help me?

For most exercise professionals we suggest registering with our sister organization REPs (the Register of Exercise Professionals). By registering not only do you gain a marketable quality mark, but also have access to public liability insurance, and tools for you as an exercise professional (such as health & safety templates) – full details @ www.reps.org.nz. If you operate a studio or otherwise own your own facility/business, you are also welcome to join ExerciseNZ too.

I’m a yoga teacher, can I join / can you help me?

We work with our sister organisation Yoga New Zealand (www.yoganewzealand.org.nz), and suggest yoga teachers look there first. By joining not only do you support their work, but also gain access to public liability insurance, and receive special rates at key Yoga events, while still being part of the wider ExerciseNZ whanau. If you operate a studio or otherwise own your own facility/business, you are also welcome to join ExerciseNZ too.


What if a member of EXNZ has an issue with another operator?

We understand from time to time a member may wish to voice concerns over the way in which another member or supplier to the industry is operating. In such cases we can act as facilitator should both parties agree to do so, as long as both are our members. Touch base with our team for more information.

I have a complaint I’d like to make about an exercise facility, what are my options?
Firstly, we recommend touching base with the manager of the facility to express your concern. We also recommend to ensure you clearly state what you would like done about your concern. It’s also a good idea to put your complaint in writing, as this helps everyone understand what the issue is (email is fine).
If you’re unhappy with the outcome, there are many organisations that can help with dispute resolution, or investigation, such as:

  • The Privacy Commissioner (for matters relating to privacy/your data).
  • The Disputes Tribunal (useful when the two parties do not agree on what the outcome should be).
  • Regulatory bodies, such as the Commerce Commission.
    Note: The commission does not investigate all complaints, but your complaint may help it decide what issues are most important for them to investigate.
  • If the facility is a member of EXNZ and/or Registered with the New Zealand Register of Exercise Professionals (REPs), and you believe they have broken an industry code, you can complain to us. This is outlined in detail on our complaints page.

It’s worthwhile mentioning that a significant proportion of complaints received by EXNZ are often due to perceived, or actual, mis-communication. To minimise this, things are best done in writing. Where one party agrees to change a written agreement (such as membership agreement), have this noted on your agreement, as this will avoid any later issues with the two parties having different interpretations of what was said. If an issue does arise, contact the facility as soon as possible and try to sort it out directly. In our experience, issues left for long periods are harder to resolve. We hope this helps.

Still have questions? We’re here to help