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We’re here to fight on your behalf, and at times fight for the industry

Advocacy includes engaging with Government such as IRD, ACC & MOH, all the way through to music licensing and childcare regulations.

Important Update October 2021

We are fighting the Government on the exclusion of exercise facilities from the L3 staged reopening of Auckland.  You can help us fight this here.


Accident Compensation Corporation

Te Kaporeihana Āwhina Hunga Whara

We have been working with the ACC to both support their work in reducing injury rates of those exercising, as well as advocating for our industry to be recognised on the treatment & rehabilitation side of ACC.

IRD Inland Revenue Department

Te Tari Taake

We provide industry best practice guidance on the complex area of employment/contractors for our industry, and engage with IRD to ensure they understand our industry’s practices.

Covid 19


Throughout the pandemic we worked with the Government (MOH, WorkSafe NZ and SportNZ) to ensure CV-19 rules for our industry were fair & safe for all

MOH – Ministry of Health

Manatū Hauora

Our industry now has a seat at the table of Allied Health Aotearoa, where we engage with other national bodies representing wellness and health professionals as well as MOH and ACC.


News Articles & Interviews

We promote the benefits of exercise to the media via press releases, and fronting interviews. A full list of our recent media work can be found here.

Representing the Industry

We also advocate for our industry and fight battles when needed – examples include child care regulations, and music licensing fees. We engage with industry, get feedback and act as your advocate.

Big Wins

Still don’t quite understand how we really help with advocacy? Below are some big wins from the hard work and time we put into fighting for the industry – and winning.

Commerce Commission

We engaged with the Commission when they reviewed our industry, and clarified common industry practices. In addition we helped communicate the new laws around credit contracts, and develop best practice guides and sample membership agreements based on both their comments, and comprehensive best practice legal advice.

Music Licensing

This issue had the potential to cost the NZ exercise industry millions of dollars in legal costs (as it did in Australia), and/or tens of thousands of dollars a year in annual fees for even small gyms. Through our negotiation work the music licensing fees are now set at a far more reasonable level and all without the cost of legal challenges. We continue to work with One Music to act as your voice.

Covid 19

We engaged with, and lobbied on behalf of the industry to ensure CV-19 rules such as limits of 10/group did not apply to gyms and exercise providers. We also developed a comprehensive framework for exercise providers to provide clarity for all the nuances and special cases within the exercise industry.

Child Care Regulations

We lobbied hard to have the rules for childcare within exercise facilities changed so that supervised childcare could be provided and not require licensed teachers, nor the other costs associated with running a fully licenced creche. This involved not only working with the Ministry of Education, but also a number of political parties – one of whom even made it an election promise (which they followed through on).


Resources and tools to support your business

Need a Health & Safety Template, a guide for employment or a comprehensive resource on membership agreements? Look no further! We also provide 1:1 support for any issue and much more.

Have a better understanding of how we can help you now? Join Us

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